CBRNE team

The experts

Why Not All Experts Are Published on Our Website: Safeguarding Sensitive Areas and Individuals

In the realm of expertise and specialized knowledge, transparency is often crucial, but there are cases where discretion is necessary. Especially in sensitive areas such as security, health, or defense, it is imprudent, for reasons of personal protection and safety, to publish all experts on a website.

Protection from potential threats: Experts working in security-critical or confidential areas could become targets of threats. Disclosing their identity in the public domain could jeopardize their safety and create unwanted risks.

Confidentiality and secrecy: Many experts operate in environments where confidentiality and secrecy are of paramount importance. Revealing their identity could compromise sensitive information and impair the effectiveness of their work.

Protection of personal data: Publishing personal information on the internet poses risks to privacy. In the interest of data protection and personal security, it is often appropriate to shield the identity of experts.

Prevention of misuse: A public presence may lead to experts being exploited for illegitimate purposes. Protection from potential abuses is a significant reason why not all experts are made publicly accessible.

It is important to emphasize that this restraint does not question the professional competence or integrity of the experts. Rather, it is about finding a balanced compromise between transparency and the protection of individuals and sensitive information.

Overall, the decision not to make all experts public is a consideration in the interest of safeguarding individuals and sensitive information. It underscores the responsibility to create a balanced and secure environment for professionals and their clients.